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Psychological First aid kit discussed in VG Helg

In last week’s VG Helg, the feature article followed young girls who felt a pressure to be the best. The psychological first aid kit, a concept developed by Solfrid Raknes and commercialized by BTO on behalf of Haukeland University Hospital, was mentioned as a solution to this social challenge. Raknes was also interviewed in relation to a commentary about our social behaviour and the challenge surrounding loneliness.

In the featured article, young girls share their very busy schedules, all in an effort to become the best. A public health nurse at the Elvebakken School in Oslo, Lone Kjær, experience that the number of girls in need of help increases As an effort to meet this challenge, the public health workers offer the students a course in psychological first aid. “The course gives the students a toolbox that teaches them self-help techniques to better their life quality. It is about letting the good thoughts have the power”, she says to the magazine.

In the commentary, Kari Mette Hole writes that people should be more engaged in talking to each other. Raknes, a specialist in clinical adult psychology, says that “people benefit from seeking new situations. Approaching others, and saying “hello”, can reduce and prevent anxiety”. This is closely related to the idea behind the psychological first aid kit, where positive and negative thoughts, such as anxiety, are made aware.

Raknes also refers to a study by NOVA, where 25 per cent of young adults experience psychological difficulties. This study reveals that psychological difficulties are a social challenge, one that the psychological first aid kit could help solve.

Read the feature article and the commentary from VG Helg here (no longer available).

