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Online therapy receives media attention

This week psychologist Tine Nordgreen appeared on TV 2 to talk about the online therapy guidance eMeistring. BTO has played a part in the development of the project.

Tine Nordgreen, who recently won the prestigious Innovation Award 2014 from The Western Norway Regional Health Authority, was invited to TV 2 God Morgen Norge to talk about how eMeistring may help people treat anxiety.

Online therapy guidance, or supervised internet treatment, which we offer at Haukeland University Hospital consists of the same elements as what you would get if you went to a usual consultation, face to face with a therapist. The difference is that we have made treatment available via internet. The contact between the patient and therapist is mainly via internet and consists mostly of text and exercises that make the patient understand the driving forces of his or her fear and what’s keeping the negative circle going. We offer exercises and techniques to change a negative spiral, Nordgreen told the viewers.


This is the second time in only a couple of weeks that the project receives media coverage. Earlier this month Bergens Tidende wrote a story on how Inger Johanne Rygg (64) was cured of anxiety with the help of eMeistring. Rygg was also invited to TV2 to tell their story.


BTO has contributed to the development of eMeistring through contract negotiations with suppliers of software and organized a workshop.


Pictures: facsimile TV 2, facsimile bt.no
