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56 projects in the running for funding from FORNY2020

The application deadline for the FORNY2020 funding is surpassed, and The Norwegian Research Council (NRC) has revealed the number of received applications. A total of 56 applications are set to be evaluated, and seven of these are from BTO. The NRC emphasise the social value of the submitted ideas and projects, as they represent ideas and projects that are believed to enable future value creation.

The submitted ideas and projects are carefully considered by the TTO’s prior to submission. Therefore, each of the 56 applications could ensure future workplaces, new possibilities for value creation and new competition for the Norwegian society.

“Today, an application requires a lot of time and a lot of resources. We therefore place emphasis on the consideration of a projects maturity, and have chosen to work more focused with the projects we consider to have the greatest potential”, says Randi Taxt, the vice president at BTO to NFR (see article further down).

FORNY2020 is the NRC’s program on Commercialising R&D results. The program promotes innovation based on research results, and is an important source of financial aid for BTO and our partners.

BTO is excited to hear which of the 56 projects will receive funding.

Read the article about the received application here (In Norwegian).

Read more about the FORNY2020 program here (In Norwegian).
